Solutions born
from necessities
Solutions include weigh/count dosing systems, flow-wrapping machines, cartoning machines, kit packaging lines and the development of fully automatic “turn-key” packaging lines with automatic product handling. This wide choice enables our customers to obtain effective solutions that can fulfill most any need
Industry developments
We are in constant look out for new developements and technologies around the packaging and automation industries.
We are here
Bonotto Packaging is the reference point for companies looking for an experienced partner who is an expert in the development of automated packaging solutions.
Bonotto Packaging Srl
Via Lago d’Iseo, 11
36015 Schio (VI)
T. +39 0445 500186
EMAIL info@bonottopackaging.com
PEC bonottopackaging@legalmail.it
REA: VI-372536
C.f. e P.iva 04020920247
Cap. Soc. euro 10.000,00 i.v.